Report 1:

Medical Informatics: You're in Good Health

Humans are said to be imperfect. But for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical professionals, they should be perfect in doing operations and medical treatment because life is at stake during this procedure.
Medical malpractices are not new to us. We heard and read lot of this in the media. This problem is being addressed to medical informatics, "it deals with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine. Health informatics tools include not only computers but also clinical guidelines, formal medical terminologies, and information and communication systems". As the information is widely available and the technology is constantly evolving there is always the pressure to keep up with the latest development especially if its a new guidelines that will affect decision making. Medical informatics can assist health care in many areas: improve the delivery of services like laboratory test results; eliminate the need for routine paperwork; provide easy access to information; use handheld devices that will assist the physician in tracking patient date; exchange information that compiles with standards of decision support systems in healthcare.Though, medical malpractices can't be avoided(because we are only humans), it can be lessen using high-tech facilities and computerized systems.

Reference: 1. "Medical Informatics: You're in Good Health." Bato Balani 2007-2008:4-52.

Report 2:

Warning: ipod Can Be Used as a Tracking Device

You never know when a gadget will be used in a malicious manner. The high-tech gadgets that is very popular this time can be susceptible to evildoers. An example to this is the Nike+iPod sport kit. Wherein the iPod Nano is more than just a music player. This device can be plugged with a receiver which communicates with the sensor fitted in the left sole of a Nike shoe.Nike+iPod system is designed so that the user can monitor their workout status. The sensor detects the feet's movement of the user while he/she is walking or jogging. The distance walked, as well as pace , time and calories burned are all noted by the iPod. The data obtained can be uploaded to the Nike+iPod website. A research found that any compatible receiver within an 18-meter radius can detect the signal transmitted by the shoe's sensor.The product is very good but I agree with the author that Nike and Apple should consider recontructing or redesigning their product to insure user's privacy and security.

Reference:"Warning: ipod Can Be Used as a Tracking Device". Bato Balani 2007-2008:4-5

Report 3:
Think Before you Click

Internet is very powerful and websites have various features to help people. An example is that it helps long distance friends or relatives to keep in touch with each other, meet new people and the like. Friendsteris one of social networking sites that allows user to upload their videos, photos, and blogs, chat, and participate in discussions.But a research found that there are dangers to online social networking. One reason is that it allows user to put online whatever info he/she likes but take note that is not restricted to a particular geographic area. It can be seen worldwide.We should not give or post any information that will help somebody track us offline. Even in posting pictures. Though, Internet is of great help to us, it can also be a way for dishonest and predatory people to victimize us.

Reference:Josephine Ann A. Aparte."Think Before you Click". Bato Balani 2006-2007:4-5